
“Our inner fire bursts into flame by an encounter with another human.”—Albert Schweitzer

Pam Grout

“I laughed more in the last 7 days than in the last 7 years.”–Esther Hicks

I’ve mentioned this before, but there is NOTHING. LIKE. FRIENDS. Especially when un-learning the old paradigm. I’m in a couple groups here in Lawrence that get together regularly to talk about the principles I wrote about in E-Squared. We laugh so hard. We have so much fun that it makes you wonder. Why doesn’t everyone do this?

So if you’re not in a group, get in one.

I learn so much from my fellow creators. I get so much support. Including having one of my besties fill in for me here on the blog.

It may not look like it, but I’m actually in Istanbul right now. Or I will be when you read this. So let me introduce you to Annola Charity who has always been an inspiration to me.

This woman knows spiritual…

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By aqualilly23

I live in India's Silicon valley but I am as removed from IT as I can possibly be..I do love the internet, how else would an Introvert (which Susan Cain believes is a tag to wear on one's sleeves), be able to blog about navigating the world a Single Mom..Im quite inclined to add Indian Single Mom, because all said and done, the Indian society, mindsets, cultural perceptions are quite different and unique.Its been an interesting journey so far and I've started looking at the world of dating from a different angle and maybe lenses all together..

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